
Adaptive Multilevel Splitting (AMS) is a simulation method for sampling rare events which allows unbiased sampling of transition pathways of a given rare event.

A set of replica simulations starting at a bound state are performed and progress towards the unbound state is monitored. The ensemble of simulations is periodically pruned and restarted from coordinates chosen so that the system progresses towards the unbound state. Prior knowledge of transition paths or branching points is not necessary.

For more information on how Adaptive Mutilevel Splitting (AMS) is applied in Molecular Dynamics simulations, please refer to the Aristoff et al. (2015)

A tutorial demonstrating the application of AMS method to the isomerization of the alanine dipeptide in vacuum using NAMD software can be accessed here.

Computational Tools

Adaptive Multilevel Splitting (AMS) can be performed using the following software tools:

Example Cases

For examples of previously performed studies in which Adaptive Multilevel Splitting (AMS) was the primary method used, see the following example cases: